This is Dave - Text-to-speech rap and video

By Stephen Holdaway

16 Aug, 2011

An 8-bit style video and rap to present a manifesto for a society based on principles and attributes found in video games. This was a group project for CCDN331 at Victoria University.



  • Voice is text to speech generated with AT&T’s text to speech engine demo
  • Base song is “Goof” by Binärpilot.
  • Rap lyrics by Stephen Holdaway and Robert McLeod.
  • Audio editing (building text-to-speech over song) – Stephen Holdaway.
  • Graphics by Alex Klarichch, Jushang Chen, Robert McLeod, and Zac Rutten.

This is a backdated post. The publish date reflects when the it would have been posted originally, however the actual publish date was later. This post was last modified 31 Aug, 2012.